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What is DOE (Design of Experiments)
Design of Experiments is an analytical technique, which aims using testing (experiments) to test different values ​​of quality system or product.

Design of Experiments, usually the abbreviation DOE is used. It is an analytical technique, which aims using testing (experiments) to test different values ​​of quality system or product. Partly it is actually a simulation method and there are several variants of this method (especially classical DOE, statistical DOE). DOE method is very effective for improving product quality and reducing costs, because it is based on the quality approaches. It is associated with Mr. Genichi Taguchi. The benefits of using this method are:

  • Reduce time and cost, design and testing of a product or system
  • Improving the quality of a product or system
  • Reducing the cost of pilot series

Use of DOE in practice: The method is used for testing of complex tasks, where the final result is given by a combination of many factors. DOE method is based on testing combinations of different values ​​(levels) of factors that affect the quality. Using it narrow the number of combinations tested on the material in terms of overall quality. DOE method thus significantly reduces the required number of tests. It is recommended by standards QS 9000 and ISO/TS 16949.

DOE is most often used in research and development during the testing and validation of new products and systems. In industrial practice, the statistical DOE is most applied variation.

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Last update: 24.07.2015


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