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What is CV (Curriculum Vitae), Resume
CV (Curriculum Vitae) stands for a professional resume. It is a structured document that contains basif facts about your education, qualifictaions and relevant work experience.

CV (Curriculum Vitae) stands for a professional resume. It is a structured document that contains basif facts about your education, qualifictaions and relevant work experience. Curriculum Vitae (in practice usually only the abbrevation CV is used) is a term used more in European countries; the US, Canada and Australia use the term Resume.

The basic structure of the CV:

  • Personal data
  • Desired employment or profession
  • Education, qualifications and vocational training
  • Previous work experience and achievements
  • Language and computer skills
  • Other skills or personal qualities for required occupation

Use of the CV in practice: The CV is mostly used to find a new job or another job in the current enterprise. For job seekers, the CV together with a cover letter represents the first contact with the employer. It is therefore important to be able to highlight the essentials (see How to write a CV)

The CV is also very important during the active career for all professionals in industries such as consulting and other professional occupations, education, and information and communication technologies and many other professions (including so called independent professionals - see freelancer) in their nomination for the individual projects or their supply on the labor market.
Professionals in practice often uses as a CV the personal profile on the professional network LinkedIn.

The CV of a new applicant in the first round is assessed by a specialist (e.g. recruiter) or in the case of smaller organizations, HR manager directly. The resume is then forwarded to the future supervisor.

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Last update: 10.09.2015


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