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What is Culture
Culture includes all collective and individual creations of a human civilization. Culture is that with which one is not born, but what gains from previous generations, what forms him over life and what are his major or minor contributions.

Culture includes all collective and individual creations of a human civilization. Culture is that with which one is not born, but what gains from previous generations, what forms him over life and what are his major or minor contributions.

Certain culture is characteristic for a particular society and is determined by the civilization circuit, nation, region, religion or political or economic system and also the history of the society.

Culture includes:

  • Artifacts - products of human work
  • Socio-cultural regulations - social norms, values ​​and cultural patterns
  • Institutions - widely recognized and practiced forms of behavior, problem solving of the society
  • Ideas - cognitive systems - political, religious, and other ideological elements of the society

In terms of organization, culture is an important part of its environment that determines its operation and conduct of its employees. This is true whether it is the culture of the civilization of the nation, the region, religion, or political system, etc.

Meetings, encounters and mutual enrichment of cultures is a threat and an opportunity especially for globally operating organizations. This is true both in terms of culture of their employees and customers, and also cultures of other stakeholders.

A specific type of culture in relation to the organization is an organizational culture (the culture of the organization), also called corporate culture.

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Last update: 18.05.2016


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