Competence usually means eligibility or ability to perform an activity, situation or a profession. Competence therefore means the ability to handle a job, be able to exercise it, be in some field qualified, have the necessary knowledge, and skills. This concept emphasizes the intrinsic quality of humans, which is the result of one’s development, more or less independent of the external world, which allows one to make a (required, standard) performance.
It is actually a set of required features, experience, knowledge, abilities, skills, motivation, attitudes and personality characteristics for a given activity or position. It is therefore a broader meaning than the term qualification that is more focused on the formal certification of achieved learning and education outcomes. Competence in contrary also includes human traits.
Note: In the theory of law, competence is sometimes used in a different meaning interpreting the notion as a range of powers (authorities)
What are competencies for?
For organizations, the requirement for the competence of the workers is one of the basic necessities - each job (profession) has specific requirements for competence and qualifications of the worker. For a definition and assessment of competences (competencies) must be used in addition to the qualification range also experience, knowledge, abilities, skills, attitudes and personality characteristics.
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