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Vysoká škola finanční a správní o.p.s.

The University of Finance and Administration (VSFS) was founded by the Bank Academy and Czech Coal Group in 1999 in accordance with the state approval to act as a private institution of higher education. Since then, it has been developing continuously. In 2001 its study centers in Most and Kladno were opened. A year later MBA study programs were launched in cooperation with City University Seattle (USA). Another year later the school set up Eupress, a publishing house producing study materials and books. In March 2003 VSFS acquired accreditation for the follow-up Master study. In the course of its first 5 years of existence the school became the biggest private institution of higher education in the CR in terms of the number of both students and teachers.
School / University
Education of youth
Vysoká škola finanční a správní o.p.s.
Estonská 500, 101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
