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Magic Software Inc. 1990

Magic Software Inc has invested in leadership that has vast industry experience in growing and operating ventures within the technology sector and leveraging global talent pools. Magic Software leadership team has built reusable frameworks and technology IP that focuses on delivering digital solutions. Magic has specifically build expertise in building digital solutions that leverage content digitization and unstructured / alternative data. The digital solutions will leverage digitization, and automation frameworks and tools with the idea of improving the outcomes (i.e. Learning outcome or Operational Efficiencies) in a specific function (K12 STEM or Trading) within an industry (Education or Financial Services).
Company's website:
Media & Marketing
Magic Software Inc. 1990
24th Floor, Suite 2412, One Penn Plaza, New York NY 10119
United States


KEA personalizes user experience with the help of AI conversation engine and machine learning. It is responsive, intelligent and track-able. KEA allows an employee to convert any document into ‘trackable’ training content. It uses AI and automation to create a smooth onboarding experience for your...
MagicBox is an end-to-end digital publishing platform and mobile distribution platform that enables publishers, authors and content providers to create, sell, manage and deliver their digital content through custom branded Web & Mobile Apps.
