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Česká spořitelna a.s.

Profile of Česká spořitelna
The Modern Bank with the Longest Tradition
We are a modern bank with a focus on retail clients, small- and medium-sized enterprises, municipalities and cities and we play an important role in financing large corporations and providing financial market services. With more than 5 million clients, we are the Czech Republic’s largest bank. We boast the longest tradition among the banks on the Czech market; in 2015 we mark the 190th anniversary of the Company’s founding. In Fincentrum’s Bank of the Year competition we received the Most Trustworthy Bank of the Year award for the eleventh year running. The prestigious magazine The Banker selected Česká spořitelna as the Bank of the Year 2014, which is the eighth title won by the Company.
Financial and insurance activities
Česká spořitelna a.s.
Budějovická 1518/13a, 14000 Praha, Michle
Czech Republic
Tax number:
