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What is Checklist analysis (CLA)
The term Check list analysis or CLA for short, denotes a very simple technique which uses a list of items, steps or tasks with which the correctness or completeness of a procedure is analysed.

The term Check list analysis or CLA for short, denotes a very simple technique which uses a list of items, steps or tasks with which the correctness or completeness of a procedure is analysed. The analysis with the help of a check list is very often the basis for different sophisticated methods in the area of quality, security or Risks.

Checklist analysis in practice: A check list analysis is one of the easiest, most used and also most effective analytical techniques. The check list is usually put together from a certain best practice list; against this list, the correctness or completeness of procedures or the state of the reviewed item is checked. The result is noted either with a simple yes/no or the checklist may offer several possibilities (e.g. almost complete, one more check is necessary, etc.). Checklist analyses are used in almost all areas of human activity. They are often used to assess the adherence to certain norms or standards. The CLA can also be used as a preventive method or as a method for the subsequent assessment of causes or problems. A CLA can ascertain the state of certain equipment or facility or the completeness of steps undertaken prior to the launch of equipment (e.g. the procedure adhered to by pilots prior to take-off).

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Last update: 17.03.2016


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