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What is Change Management
Change management focuses on changes, their implementation and enforcement to the life of the organization. Change management follows a general management, builds on the social psychology and organizational behavior, uses socio-technique and also affects the organizational culture.

“To change people’s minds is the hardest thing…“

Life of any organization is influenced by a variety of stimuli coming from the environment (from customers, other organizations, suppliers, owners, constituents, stakeholders). They are dependent on economic cycles, on economic, political or military situation, development or technology, legislation and human knowledge) but also on the internal environment of the company (from the staff, from the information system of the organization, from monitoring systems or from managers). In particular, external changes are in the 21st century still faster than ever before - for example, the life cycle of information technology has greatly accelerated, news are available on the market almost constantly. The average variation of the device is often only 2-3 years.

The change is a fundamental characteristic of organizational life. These must be able to deal in particular with the rapid changes in the environment. Peter F. Drucker defined in the late eighties of the 20th century the concept of turbulence in business management.

All this means greater emphasis on management in a changing environment, and management is becoming a large part of change management.

Basic types of changes, which every company, organization or team deals with, are:

Development changes or strategic changes

These are such changes that cause other changes in the processes and resources of the organization. They are part of the strategic management and have a longer life cycle. A typical example of such change is the implementation of the strategy of the company in the form of strategic management. This ensures that things do not happen randomly but according to pre-planned, long-term goals - such a strategic change management in an organization ensures that the strategic objectives are reached.

It is therefore a change management that affects the entire organization in form of implementation of these changes.

Such changes are often implemented in the form of projects using project management.

Operational changes

These are changes that have a major impact on change of the processes, management or operation of the organization. They may relate to minor changes of processes, technologies, or changes during the project (without affecting the outcome of the project itself).

Change management in an organization is one of the managerial skills necessary for successful move forward. In addition to the control of the process of change, it includes the ability to anticipate change, adapt in time, prepare and respond quickly. Therefore, change management is related to other areas as marketing research, market research, competition analysis, forecasting, simulation, and more.

However, change management mainly focuses on the actual changes, on their implementation and enforcement in the life of the organization. Change management follows the general management, building on social psychology and organizational behavior, it uses socio-technology​​, various methods of impact analysis and more. It is about the organizational culture, because most of the changes are related to the change of thinking and behavior. Sometimes they talk about transformation, and transformation management, thus it is closely connected to the concept of leadership.

Basic methods of change management:

Related terms and methods:

Related management field:

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Last update: 27.01.2016


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