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What is CF Return on Total Capital
CF Return on Total Capital is a term that refers to the ability to receive loans because cash flow from operating activities doesn’t include financial costs.

CF Return on Total Capital, usually not abbreviated. It is a term that refers to the ability to receive loans because cash flow from operating activities doesn’t include financial costs.


CF Return on Total Capital = CF from operating activities / capital

The resulting value is compared with the interest rate paid by the enterprise to banks. If the resulting value is lower, then the assets don’t generate as much as is needed to pay off the interest, and thus become risky. Conversely, if the resulting value is greater than the interest rate it is worth to receive new loans.

The indicator belongs to indicators based on cash flow.

Use of the indicator in practice: In the enterprise it is used by CFO in financial analysis to analyze ratios. Indicators based on cash flow try to catch warning signs of potential credit problems and assess internal financial potential of the company.

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Last update: 29.06.2016


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