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Author: David H. Maister, Charles H. Green. Robert M. Galford
The Trusted Advisor explores the paradigm of that very special business relationship, using the professional services paradigm as a basis.
Author: Charles H. Green
“Sales” and “Trust” rarely inhabit the same sentence. Customers fear being “sold”–they suspect sellers have only their own interests at heart.
Author: Peter F. Drucker, Joseph A. Maciariello
Revered management thinker Peter F. Drucker is our trusted guide in this thoughtful, day-by-day companion that offers his penetrating and practical wisdom.
Author: Charles H. Green, Andrea P. Howe
The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook is a practical guide to being a trusted advisor for leaders in any industry. Put this fieldbook to work and you’ll be someone who earns trust quickly, consistently, and sustainably—in business and in life.
Author: Mike Davidson
A book on strategic management for the general reader. It shows how managerial life can be changed by going back to the simple, first principles of a job. This management system aims to enable the reader to win more, fail less, achieve more within the same hours, and above all - enjoy doing it.
Author: David G. Cotts, Kathy Roper, Richard P. Payant
Nothing ever published in the facility management field comes close to the unconditional acceptance of "The Facility Management Handbook".