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What is BEC Preliminary
BEC Preliminary is an exam in English, which focuses on English skills in the business environment (trade, services, environment). BEC Preliminary (formerly known as BEC 1) is the lowest of the three BEC Certificates.

BEC Preliminary is an exam in English, which focuses on English skills in the business environment (trade, services, environment). BEC Preliminary (formerly known as BEC 1) is the lowest of the three Cambridge Business English Certificates. It is focused on advanced candidates who master the basics of business situations and have a vocabulary of lower to middle range.

BEC Preliminary is the business equivalent of general certificate PET (Preliminary English Test).

Use of the BEC Preliminary in practice: BEC Preliminary Certificate is internationally recognized and focused on the use of English in organizations and trade negotiations. BEC Preliminary is a basic level of business English which can be requested as a qualification requirement for a worker or a specific profession or a job. BEC increases the value of the candidate in the labor market. A BEC Preliminary applicant can take the exam in one of the authorized centers (see BEC).

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Last update: 22.08.2016


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