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What is Attitude
Attitude belongs among basic psychologic terms. It is a hypothetical construct representing the positive or negative approach of someone to something, respectively someone else. Attitudes are the key terms of the social psychology.

Attitude belongs among basic psychologic terms. It is a hypothetical construct representing the positive or negative approach of someone to something, respectively someone else. Attitudes are the key terms of the social psychology.

According to Paul F. Secord and Carl W. Backman, the attitude refers to: “certain regularities of an individual’s feelings, thoughts and predispositions to act toward some aspects of his environment”.

According to Alice H. Eagly and Shelly Chaiken the attitude is: “a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of agreement or disagreement”.

Attitudes are an important part of the personality. According to the ABC Model (acronym of the first letters - see below) attitude has the following components:

  • A (Affect) - affective, emotional (affecting feelings)
  • B (Behavior) - behavioral, related to behavior and affecting behavior
  • C (Cognitive) - cognitive, affecting ratings, respectively it contains an evaluation component

Milton J. Rosenberg and Carl I. Hovland designed the following the Three-Component Model of Attitude (1960):

Three Component Model of Attitude MM

Use of attitudes in practice: changing and influencing attitudes is an important part of the leadership and communicating, motivation and motivating and human resources management of the organization. Attitudes are important in the marketing (product attitude, brand attitude…).

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Last update: 21.08.2015


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