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What is Antispyware
Antispyware is a security software designed to protect data from attacks or risks caused by Spyware.
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Antispyware is a security software designed to protect data from attacks or risks caused by Spyware. Antispyware is used to find and remove spyware, which is usually searched based on a database or analysis of suspicious behavior.

How to use antispyware in practice?

Antispyware is usually installed on the user device (e.g. PC, mobile device). In practice, combination with other methods of protection is used in the organizations - antispyware is combined with other security software such as antivirus software and more.

Antispyware is often part of antivirus programs. The trend is that antispyware is part of the Internet Security Suites that brings together multiple elements of protection against malicious software and behavior.

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Last update: 21.08.2016
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