5S Method is a methodology or a set of principles for creating and maintaining an organized, cleaned and high-performance workplace. It is a basis and natural part of the lean approaches. Its aim is to improve the working environment in the organization and the quality. The approach is based on enhancing independence of the employees, on team work and leadership.
5S Method is an acronym from five Japanese words:
- Seiri (Separate) - separate needed and unneeded things
- Seiton (Sort) - sort or locate needed and used things that they can be easily and quickly applied
- Seiso (Still clean) - maintaining cleanliness in the workplace and its srroundings
- Seiketsu (Standardize) - continuous and repeated improvement of the organizational work
- Shitsuke (Self-discipline) - maintaining perfect order and 4 previous S in the workplace at the time
Use of 5S Method practice: It is rather a set of simple principles whose result is cleanliness and order on the workplace, which is one of the necessary assumptions of quality and continuous improvement. 5S principles must be applied to all workers at a given workplace. It is mostly used in manufacturing enterprises.
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