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Helen Greene
Personal Rank 4
Business Consultant | Allianze Technologies
United States

Curriculum Vitae - Helen Greene

Business Consultant | Allianze Technologies
Současné zaměstnání: Allianze Technologies, Allianze Technologies
United States
Informační a komunikační služby a průmysl (ICT)


My venture with Allianze Technologies as a Business Consultant has spanned over 5+ years. These years have highly augmented our development as a tech related firm as we have been able to achieve 100+ personnel strength in Web Design and Development. Apart from the personnel strength, our proficiency is never limited to a number of languages such as PHP, HTML, Java, CSS, SQL, jQuery, AngularJS, Angular 2 or the globally popular CMS. According to client preferences, requirements and specs we can configure or develop all kind of platform support or languages for your website. Allianze Technologies also offers Web Hosting solutions with solid security footing for your website. Our stronghold in the world of Digital Marketing and Content Writing services will call out better rankings and reach for your website and your target audience.

We are GDPR compliant, adding much more confidentiality for your data thereby preventing any kind of data loss, information misuse or exploitation.

Just drop us a mail if you have a query or would like to dig deep into our services at

Business Consultant
Full Stack Developer
Červen 2016 - Současnost
Master in Business Administration , Marketing
2014 - 2016

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English, Spanish, French